Know it or Not , Like it or not T, the Truth (Reality) is as glowing as the SUN , even at Night ,irrespective of our location on the Day-side or Night. The Universe is ONE whole existence and everything else SUN , Moon, stars , Galaxies , You .me, the Cow , goat or an insect ( even Virus) are all ...all .. only fraction or Decimals. Individuality, separate state , 'Free will' are Illusions within the Magic Field of Relativity .
We are all like little ponds and none of them would be there, if there was no Ocean, And all Oceans are only , even, a part of the whole water Mass of Solar system , including water floating in sky or held up in other planets.
Frank Finner, the other day, has predicted the CRUNCH -Effect of Homo sapiens in 100 years . The present Civilisation is , perhaps , heading the same way , accounted for , on the basis of Global Terrorism, Mexican Gulf -Poisoning or - Man - made Ecological Disaster.
MAN !, -- you are free to commit SUICIDE but what Right have to shoot birds for 'After-Lunch Sport ' or destroy Aquatic Life or Innocent Birds for your OIL ( B-P Oil SPill) just to improve your Living Standard !
NATURE KNOWS ALL AND REACTS IN TIME. "Keeping Eyes Closed does not Hide Facts '.