Friday, July 30, 2010


MELTDOWN FOR THE GLOBE : ( T. O. I, Kolkata, Dt 30th July,'10 ; page 16 )

Final Whistle in 12 years.
Unified Field Theory May have to wait but UNIFIED Death -Signal is going to be lighted - RED ,-fot Suicidal Human Race .

The Report :It will take 12 years FOR CARBONDIOXIDE (CO-two) to the Lethal level of 450 parts per million(pppm) that will cause temp. to rise and Pollar Ice to melt and Sea Level to rise.
The present level of Carbion dioxide is 392 (ppm).
So, it is only a decade more and suicidal homo sapiens will receive the Response they deserve , i.e Unified approach road to Burial Tomb.
All welcome ! I am waiting to join you all ! !
posted by phani basu at 9:42 pm 0 comments

Sunday, July 18, 2010



For years and Decades from now
the poisoned Air and Earth
and living Life on the Globe
will suuffer the effect of the Game
or, - the Preceding Cause.
The Nature's Plan and technoogy ;both
usherd in Results un-known.

The growth of Life and Consciousness
now on its final climbing 'Rung'
Maybe, Evolution is taking some anothern turn
but who knows ! and in the end
the 'MIND OF GOD'!
(news- source ; NDTV , India)

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Einstein's 'Blinder' reveals 'TRUTH' even when he thinks - it was his 'Greatest Blunder '
Proof ? -- Cosmological Constant.

'Uncertainty Principle' - . is also TRUE , but only within the Field of 'Relativity' of the COSMOS and.... not in the FIELD of REALITY , OR Divine 's SUPRA - COSMIC FIELD or FIRST CAUSE.

EINSTEIN'S view - "GOD does not play Dice " is true for supra Cosmic REALITY, as different Physical Laws are , perhaps the' truth ' in different field of " Multiple Universes (Modern Cosmology now admits).

'When 'Booth ' falters it is an Art ' - [ref - Prince of Payers ' - film, about the father of Booth , who shot Abe Lincoln .

Like wise in Science , it becomes the TRUTH even when Einstein thinks - it's his a mistake.