Wednesday, February 23, 2011

GOD Through Cosmologist's Hadron -Collider

Cosmic Ideas & Spirituality

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Cosmic Science and Supra-cosmic God

Early universe revealed at 4 trillion degrees
A lot of attention has been paid in the popular science world to the quest for finding a particle called the Higgs boson, which would explain gravity, among other things. But the scientists at the conference said they'd be happier if it's not found.

"There's a host of other things that could be out there," said Thomas LeCompte, physicist at Argonne National Laboratory. The Higgs is the "simplest and elegant" solution to many problems with scientist's current notions of how the world works, but there's no telling what the Large Hadron Collider will find.
Comment ; That's why god said in the GEETA : ' thou shall never be able to see me with your limited perceptual vision' - Geeta ( Ch.11 /8 )
And when shall Man, the Scientist, be able to stand 4 Trilion degree to reach half-way to Divines's Head-Quarter, to visit or know GOD? ? ?
that is why Vedanta has finally declared God - "Ajnyeya" or 'Un-knowable.

posted by Phani Basu @ 5:57 AM