Saturday, October 17, 2009


GLOBAL VIEW : ( The changed scenario of the Globe )
It is a different world. It is an integrated world too. Gone are the days of feudal or imperial or
divided and separated world. Gone are the days of Gun powder, crude canon and telegraphic means of ruling over. Even the frame of World-War I & II are replaced.
This Electronic ,Computer age, missile and nuclear age is filling up every corner of the globe . No global space or political system is isolated any more. Now is a the dangerous age of global terrorism and liquid `pocket -bombs` challenging the existing imbalance of the modern Political system. No use blaming one nation or any group or any system of governing.
So long the gross imbalance of economic conditions and religious faith / belief of human race is not corrected towards Unified -living and sharing of either side`s sufferings and affluence ,this `war of the world `will go on and take more dangerous turn because ,these days , no size of an army will decide the outcome . Yet, only a group of intelligent rebellions can bring global turmoil .
This demands the age, for UNO to rule over all nations treating the world as a place for every one . Other wise the impotent or weak-kneed UNO may be the witness for coming Global disaster. No single nation has the inherent right to life and affluence while the rest or a part suffers or starve.

posted by Phani Basu @ 4:43 AM 0 comments

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