Wednesday, January 27, 2010


News NDTV 27th January'10 : SECOND Male-pregnancy in London.
It seems the Biological Balancing Act of Evolution has usherd in Nature, declaring the next scale in Evolution.{ Or maybe, the Cosmologic onset of desolution}.
Scott Moore of London now is the second pregnant man -'waiting to deliver a baby ;and he is happy'.
Maybe, this happiness is 'hormonal-response' and explains why women feel so happy and proud becoming pregnant.
At least from now on and nomore, women should complain to or Curse God giving them the extra burden of prgnancy ( even my wife often complained about 'God's' partiality to husbands.
Should we not, all, now welcome this re-adjustment and balamcing act of Nature.
George Bernard Shaw ,once,in his play (?Man & Superman)admitted the superior courage of Women in the feat of daring 'Pregnancy'. Even the top Generals will tremble to bear a child for full length of pregnency.
I hope all men will now, have the courage and patience that they will need to carry a growing bag of sweet-life within them for' atleast, nine and a half months.
I am now in 80s and as such, exempted but may be, in next life I shall have to be a pregnant-father and my wife shall have no chance to complain, And that's great !

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