Wednesday, August 11, 2010


ANIMAL KILLING IN RELIGIOUS PRACTISES :{ to day's Pariament's Question-hour ]

Vedic and Vedantic darshan , I think, in the poetic rndering of their RealiSatIon advocated the abandance or scarifice of 'animality in human disposition' or the very lower rank of reflex and destructive aspects within human beings. Even in the Geeta which every sects of post-vedic religions accepts as the authority of god ( the Geeta ch 9 /27 ) says 'what ever you do , eat, or pray or offer or give, - do it in my (God's) name '; meaning, as every thing comes from the Divinie , any thing eaten ,done or sacrifoced should be done , in the name of the Divinen
Now in aftermath, mistaken interpretation some section of Post-vedic religions started happily sacrificing innocent animals to fill up their physical HUNGER by killing these animals with distorted interpretation of the Scripture to retain the animality in themselves -intact.
In real sense by this spirit of offering every act. we do, every thing we Eat to be done remambering the role of the Divine in the reality of our very Existencce.
All Animas are divine's manifestations . They prey and kill as they have no other choice . Yet I have , in my life seen men, worse than these innocent animals and who go for hunting or bird-shooting after a full meal to enjoy 'killing as a good Sport.
I urge all people aywhere to saceifice their own residual 'Animality' within them, instead of mis-interpreting their own noble SCRIPTURE for selfish ideas.

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