Friday, September 3, 2010


Stephen Hawking: God didn't create universe
By Richard Allen Greene, CNN
September 2, 2010 3:41 p.m. EDT
He is right : God didnot Create Universe because God (with a Belly-button0 could not make it. But Hawking did not disclose, - who made the Universe because he also did not know. To make any thingg , you have to get the material from outside yourself but nothing could be outside the Divine ( Common sense).
Ezra Pound said - Poetry will have to be what it wants to tell. In Vedanta , it is said the DIVINE ( without Belly-button) did not create the Universe but became ITSELF by getting 'involved' in it, Like a Spider that creates its own 'net ' from its own secretion ( Vedanta). So Hawking's 'Inevitable Laws of Physics ' was also not the FIRST Cause but an effect of Some root beyond the Integrated 4 fields of RELATIVITY, within which we are all bound , incuding Hawking. And the First cause is beyond Relativity in the realm of REALITY and as such, ever UN-Knowable, unless you have a Total Vision ( Samadhi - of Vedantic Expansion of CONSCIOUSNESS,- even beyond COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS of C .J. YUNG. So ,as Haking is not the CREATOR of his own GENIUS-Brain but functions by being it, simailar is the way of the Divine that is the ROOT of 4 Fields and that root is ever beyond the reach of SCIENTIST.
" They ( Scientists) found out many but missed the ONE" - Sri Aurobido in 'SAVITRI'. In the Geeta( vedantic interpretation) Krishna said : " from UN-manifested beyond , the Manifesred Universe came out ( Ch 8 / 18 ).So Hawking was right in telling that God ( Anthropomorphic idea)did not create Universe but coud not tell 'who' did it, because it was not a CREATION but a MANIFESTATION as expounded by Vedanta. And nobody will see that God, as no Scientist shall ever see a QUARK.

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