Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The World is a ONE , and livng is ONE / names and forms are only bricks
The Sky os ONE , your 'East and West' / are not real but mental tricks
All Water os ONE , while Seven Seas /or Oceans and gulfs are only names
God's Will is One, in multiple forms/ all menifestations are from Singular Game
Nations are many ,Humanity ONE / Evens Insects, animals are play of Singular 'Seed'
The Divine is ONE HIS Plans do vary / The SINGULAR father for all the 'Breeds'
The branches divide and divide or split / yet twigs and leaves do belong to whom ?
from Singular 'Seed' came branches and leaves / name it any way,-the myriad 'bloom'
( composed on 03/26/ 1993 . whie in U.S.A )

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