Sunday, April 12, 2015

Albert Einstein famously said that insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
So by that definition, to go to the spurs game and not do anything, i.e. go and watch the game, have a beer, and go home, but expect us to be a team worth fighting for, is insane.
(To feature like Tony, send in your articles for our website – all views those of the author etc etc)
To continue to prop up a failing regime, by condoning what they do, which if you believe it or not, is exactly what the world sees those people who go to game, and sit quietly, and go home are doing, is by Einstein’s words, insane (and he was a cleverer guy than I!).
And my second point, is that the people who then declare open warfare on those who are protesting in any format, by foo-fooing their efforts, and saying it won’t achieve anything, are by definition, deluded.
Definition: Delude: [dih-lood] to mock or frustrate the hopes or aims of.
So as much as it pains me to say it, the insane, and the deluded, are pulling my club apart, turning neighbour against neighbour, friend against friend, supporter against supporter
Please stop!
If you know someone who is protesting, and you are not, that’s fine, discuss it yes, but allow them to do it their own way.
Similarly, if you know someone who isn’t protesting, and you are, please by all means discuss it, but RESPECT EACH OTHER’S VIEWS!
I would love to have a club I am proud of, but at the minute, the regime is not the only thing I am NOT proud of, respect each other, we are all NUFC fans.
For the record, I will not be attending the NUFC v Spurs game. Perhaps it is I who is delusional (having false or unrealistic beliefs or opinion) and that missing the game will not achieve anything.
One thing is certain, doing nothing changes nothing!
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