Friday, May 1, 2015

Stephen Hawking's daughter writes open letter to Katie Hopkins: ''Stop making life harder for disabled people''

Lucy Hawking spoke out against the potty-mouthed telly personality

Stephen Hawking's daughter begs Katie Hopkins to STOP
Stephen Hawking's daughter has written an open letter to Katie Hopkins, asking her to stop "making life harder for disabled people."
Lucy Hawking spoke out against the potty-mouthed telly personality via the Guardian, where she calls on Katie to help end disability discrimination.
She writes: "My father is Stephen Hawking, and I have an autistic son. So it makes me sad when your ‘jokes’ about Ed Miliband mock people with disabilities."
Stephen Hawking and daughter Lucy Hawking
Lucy is referring to a tweet Katie published earlier this month when she insinuated that Labour leader Ed Miliband was on "the spectrum."
"I have an autistic son," Lucy continues.
"He’s very sweet, polite, hard-working, kind and generally lovely. But yes, he does stare at people from time to time. When we are on the tube, occasionally I have to say to a member of the public that my son is autistic and that I’m sorry he is staring. The reaction is always kind and compassionate.
"But if he were staring at you, I presume it wouldn’t be okay, that you would make a laughing stock out of him.
PAKatie Hopkins
Katie Hopkins made the insensitive comments during the leader's debate
"You would use his disability against him – and you wouldn’t care how embarrassed, hurt or distressed he was.
"Because it wouldn’t matter to you. Don’t you think kids with autism have enough to deal with already?
"Don’t you think that they already face enough rejection and social isolation with you making it worse? Do you really think they need you to tell them they don’t fit into society?"
Lucy goes on to state that when someone with Katie's public profile mocks disability, they cause enormous damage.
"There are lots of kids out there with disabled parents or siblings whose lives just got harder because of you," she says.
Mirror Celeb have contacted Katie's reps for comment.

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