Saturday, November 21, 2009


T.O.I dt.22/Nov/ '09 (India):
Ram Jethmalani, the Indian Legal Eagle"poured vitriol on Wahabi Islam , spewed fire at Jehadis and poked fun at the idea of their God ' .....'he criticized the Jihadi doctrine of Wahabism,which allegedly propapagate the belief that martyrs would 'get a place in heaven and the company of opposite sex there'.
The issue is on line of 'personal god' or like God with promise of "Redemption" as in early Christianity.
Ram Jethmalani is, perhaps, the first courageous man in India who showed the 'gut' and vigor of a 'MAN' to express what he learnt , understood and then said so openly , on a public stage and boldly ,unlike modern-time politicians speaking behind a mask.
Here he attained the stature of G.B.S and Vivekananda in expresseing faith and facts in its original shape and color.
Sad! that U.S.A & India (Bharat) both suffered so much in the hand of such faith, but no stalwart politician from either side had the spirit or 'gut' to speak in so clear voice.
Maybe, they are less informed than Ram Jethmalani or less concerned.

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