Tuesday, January 19, 2010


All Religions are man-made or devised by Human mind-intellectual complex with interest of Ethnic, Geographic,regional and Economic basis from the very birth and growth of Human Civillisation.
As only Realised spiritual souls can find and define the Eternal or perpetual TRUTH , outside the existence of RELATIVITY and as other human Mental or Intellectual thoughts and devices are integrated with Temporal ,degrading or erosional developments , none of the Established human Religions , however large can or should claim to be totally Global embracing all section or needs of living World.

Only Inner spirituality, Rational and ever expanding Consciousness is the sure path and fitting definition of Human,s ever Evolutionary growth towards real Spiritual Religion which , even a true ATHEIST can join and grow with.

Any religion that doesnot include and embraces all Living Beings ,any where, can not be a true Cosmic Religion .

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