Wednesday, August 11, 2010


wednesday, august 11, 2010


SCIENCE, now , Predicts and warns
the Global warming , Human's greed and abuse of
mother NATURE's lavish loving gifts
on Earth and Ocean or from the sky.

Industrial world has vitiated Sky
Mineral exploitation underneath Ocean-bed
created tragedies as in Maxican Gulf -or
Mumbai coast of Arabian sea
Now Tsunami threatens all coastal life
or Cloud- burst prepares the advancing fate.

Scientist makes the final guess
Six billion human in hundred years
will be - half billion and to make it fit
rapid respone of Nature - the surest sign.

So ! Man ,now prepare your life-size grave
Floods and Tsunamis,Nuclear rain
polar melting or suicidal clash
Stage is ready for - final Human -grave..
posted by phani basu at 5:09 am


ANIMAL KILLING IN RELIGIOUS PRACTISES :{ to day's Pariament's Question-hour ]

Vedic and Vedantic darshan , I think, in the poetic rndering of their RealiSatIon advocated the abandance or scarifice of 'animality in human disposition' or the very lower rank of reflex and destructive aspects within human beings. Even in the Geeta which every sects of post-vedic religions accepts as the authority of god ( the Geeta ch 9 /27 ) says 'what ever you do , eat, or pray or offer or give, - do it in my (God's) name '; meaning, as every thing comes from the Divinie , any thing eaten ,done or sacrifoced should be done , in the name of the Divinen
Now in aftermath, mistaken interpretation some section of Post-vedic religions started happily sacrificing innocent animals to fill up their physical HUNGER by killing these animals with distorted interpretation of the Scripture to retain the animality in themselves -intact.
In real sense by this spirit of offering every act. we do, every thing we Eat to be done remambering the role of the Divine in the reality of our very Existencce.
All Animas are divine's manifestations . They prey and kill as they have no other choice . Yet I have , in my life seen men, worse than these innocent animals and who go for hunting or bird-shooting after a full meal to enjoy 'killing as a good Sport.
I urge all people aywhere to saceifice their own residual 'Animality' within them, instead of mis-interpreting their own noble SCRIPTURE for selfish ideas.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


When blood is poisoned,the body suffers as a whole
the viatl organs get degraded, and Toxic sydrome prevai
one after another the functioning parts derail
Understanding is consoling but Treatment shoud be the -Goal.

Monday, August 9, 2010


"In the begining ,TWIN -Tower melt down, thousands die [ though, more died in Hiroshima , but why ?] And - how to compare or count // the Earth heated up in anger/ Afghan did have to pay // Giant bombs rained down / to smash the mountains any-way // It did not work , that way / Osama had 'cat's 9 lives !/ so the hatred fell on Saddam [with no WMD]/ and he was hanged this time.
The Global heat rose high excelling 'Thermo- dynamic'// Global warming made its way and Polar ice-cap caved in// the Atmosphere now the victim /piosoned sky knew revenge// The air became heavy and hot/ threatening Ecology and Living -ife/ all impossible on this abused Earth.
Oceans become swolen and hot / Tsunami , now - the response / Death stared at million lives / survival an impossible dream// Scientist now tell, - the human span/ ony hundred years more// with 392 pppm, carbon-measue on Gobe// Lethal level is just next door [ 450 pppm ]/ The stage is set for final act/ like Greek's 'Oedipus Complex'//
Now, - the Oil- spill in Mexican gulf / and in Arabian sea// Even the Cloud- burst onn Indian Leh/ forest smoke on Moscow street//China drowned in heavy rain/ and Global worming full/ Oceans will swell, rise and drown - / the Earth, all Human -theme.
posted by phani basu at 9:30 am

Wednesday, August 4, 2010




If any one is hungry in an ill -managed System of Corrupt or Tyranic state or Nation, the hungry has the divine-right to steal his food of the 'HAVES'

If anyone is without a roof over his head , he or she have the Divine -right to take shelter in the empty shade of those that have more and larger than need..

If a poor man ,Steals the waeath of the rich , it is not a 'THEFT' by Divine -right.

All the weath of the UNIVERSE belongs to every one on Equity basis.

After Death the wealth of the Dead ,lleft in his name , shall return to the Divine or Good Govt. , in the name of ' Poor and Hungry'.