Monday, August 9, 2010


"In the begining ,TWIN -Tower melt down, thousands die [ though, more died in Hiroshima , but why ?] And - how to compare or count // the Earth heated up in anger/ Afghan did have to pay // Giant bombs rained down / to smash the mountains any-way // It did not work , that way / Osama had 'cat's 9 lives !/ so the hatred fell on Saddam [with no WMD]/ and he was hanged this time.
The Global heat rose high excelling 'Thermo- dynamic'// Global warming made its way and Polar ice-cap caved in// the Atmosphere now the victim /piosoned sky knew revenge// The air became heavy and hot/ threatening Ecology and Living -ife/ all impossible on this abused Earth.
Oceans become swolen and hot / Tsunami , now - the response / Death stared at million lives / survival an impossible dream// Scientist now tell, - the human span/ ony hundred years more// with 392 pppm, carbon-measue on Gobe// Lethal level is just next door [ 450 pppm ]/ The stage is set for final act/ like Greek's 'Oedipus Complex'//
Now, - the Oil- spill in Mexican gulf / and in Arabian sea// Even the Cloud- burst onn Indian Leh/ forest smoke on Moscow street//China drowned in heavy rain/ and Global worming full/ Oceans will swell, rise and drown - / the Earth, all Human -theme.
posted by phani basu at 9:30 am

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