Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Replied : To me there is no COUNTRy or Nation . It is ONE WORLD . HUMANAN-S ARE LAST SPECIES OF ANIMALS WITHS EXPANDING CONSCIOUSNESS and a damn minority of living world(scientific).. If I name myself Allah , i do not become Allah.. It is a stage of Divinity.. I am an octogenerian and if you ask me, there are all brands of human-animals on Globe ; good --- bad -- ugly and some worse than Canines (e.g the trained Dogs are better than many dressed up human-s.. So walk your way and curve out your own faith & path. FAITH is a Hormone - not yet discovered or proved but I mention in my Thesis in 1958, as I believed.

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 5:40 AM, abdul Rab wrote:

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