Monday, March 16, 2015

In spite    of  scientific  and  social  developments  in  21st   Century .
'" ELEMENTARY  WATSON , ELEMENTARY  ! "-------S . Holmes.

For   GLOBAL    ALIMENTARY     PROBLEMS    ARE  NEGLECTED AND   LEFT  TO    THE   POOR STARVING  MAJORITY   OF POPULATION  OF  NATIONS    DECORATED   as    B.P.L  or   PEOPLE  BELOW . POVERTY . LINE   with the  only  Instrument for   survival   that is  DISHONESTY  .Otherwise the  end  is   BIOLOGICAL elimination  if    ALIMENTARY  SYSTEM  CAN NOT   BE  SUPPORTED.
An  INDIAN  SAGE  (  AUROBINDO  : 20 Th. Century )  said     'A  starving  man  , not  supported by  Society/ Nation  has  his  moral   and  God-given  Right to  steal or Cheat  for his  SURVIVAL.
 And  Morally ,  Law  has  no  Authority   here .'
Composed :  17 / 03 / 2015

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